Chukker | Former Blog of Chuck Bryant
Rhymes with fu*** -- well, you get the idea.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Subconjunctival Hemorrhage
AKA "bleeding in the eye". Fun.

So, for the past couple of days my left eye has looked something like this photo, although not so gross as all that. For the curious (or those with a similar condition), the good info can be found here:
-NIH Medline
For what it's worth, the entry on WebMD was nearly worthless.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
I've been tagged by ceeelcee and since I really enjoy his writing and don't want to disappoint his loyal readers, I'll play along.
5 Movies I Will Never See Again
White Palace, Yentl, Howard the Duck, Arthur, Xanadu, Honey I Shrunk the Kids (Okay, that's six, but which one of these would you want to see again?)
5 Places I Won't Shop
Wal-Mart, CDW, BP, Nike, Walgreens
5 Products I Won't Buy/Use
Tanning booth, creatine, tobacco, lottery tickets, fat-free cheese
5 Places I Can't Return
Saratoga Restaurant, Physics Tank, 640 Campus Dr E, Uncle Budell's, Rockville
5 Kinds of Email I Disdain
Spam, messages with background graphics/wallpaper, personal email at my work address or work email at my home address, chain letters, chain letters that ask you to list things about yourself.